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Deputy Sheriff Application Process

All applicants shall complete the Employment Application:

Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office Employment Application

All applications must be accompanied by legible copies (no originals) of the following documents:

  • High school diploma OR transcript bearing graduation date OR GED certificate
  • Birth certificate
  • Social Security card
  • Valid driver's license (must possess a valid VA driver’s license before being hired)
  • DD214 with separation information (for those with military experience) 
  • College transcript if applicable
  • Any certifications that are applicable to Law enforcement

All completed employment packets can be hand delivered to the Sheriff's Office or mailed to:

Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office

Attn: Employment Processing

PO Box 75 

Isle of Wight, Virginia 23397

Deputy Sheriff

(3/12/25 Application Period Open Indefinitely)

Salary Range

Deputy Sheriff Recruit: $49,053

Deputy Sheriff Virginia DCJS Law Enforcement Certified: $51,506 - $84,984

Deputy Rank advancements include:

Deputy Sheriff First Class & Senior Deputy Sheriff (each a 4.5% increase)

Supervision Rank advancements include:

Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major

Special Patrol Units include- Special Response Team, K-9 Unit, Boat Patrol, Motor Unit, Drone Unit

Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office

Application Process

Step 1
Complete in entirety the application, the background investigation packet and the authorization for release of information form.  Applications can be hand delivered or mailed to the Sheriff’s Office.

Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office
17110 Monument Circle
PO Box 75
Isle of Wight, VA 23397

Step 2
Applications will be reviewed and checked for completeness.  Incomplete applications will not be considered and will be removed from the process.   The best qualified applicants will be selected for interviews.  If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted and informed when to report for the interview.  If you are not selected for an interview, you will not be contacted and are no longer under consideration.  Applications will remain on file for 6 months for applicants that are not selected for interviews.

Step 3
Selected applicants will participate in a writing assessment followed by a panel interview.  The interview panel will consist of members of the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office.

Step 4
After the writing assessment and panel interview, a list is prepared of those applicants that will move to the background phase.  The background phase is extensive and can take several weeks and will include: a home visit, credit check, prior employment verification, driving history and criminal records check.

Step 5
After the background investigation is completed, the applicant will be contacted to schedule a polygraph examination and psychological evaluation.  After the results of these tests are evaluated, a decision will be made if the applicant will continue to the next step in the process.

Step 6
The Sheriff will review the applicants that have successfully completed steps one through five.  After the review a conditional offer of employment may be given to the applicants.  

Step 7
Once the conditional offer is accepted by the applicant, a physical and drug screen will be scheduled.  If the physical and drug screen are not completed satisfactorily, the conditional job offer will be voided.

Step 8
The final step in the employment process will be a meeting/interview with the Sheriff to finalize the conditional job offer.  Applicants that complete this process will have the opportunity to begin a rewarding career with the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office.

*An applicant can be terminated at any stage during the process.

For recruitment questions please contact:
Lieutenant Alex "AJ" Johnson
Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office

Deputy Sheriff Minimum Qualifications

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Deputy Sheriff with the Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office.  You will find that this Office is a state accredited law enforcement agency that values professionalism, integrity and diversity from its employees.  We have the occasion to hire certified law enforcement officers with prior experience as well as those new to law enforcement that will need certification.  The Sheriff’s Office is a Constitutional Office.  We maintain a Memorandum of Understanding with the County of Isle of Wight to provide excellent pay, benefits, and VRS retirement package.

The following are the minimum requirements to apply for the position of Deputy Sheriff with the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office:

  • Be at least 21 years of age
  • Be a citizen of the United States
  • Have a High School Diploma or its recognized equivalent (GED)
  • Possess a valid driver’s license and later obtain a Virginia license.
  • Possess good moral character
  • Good physical health and condition
  • No felony convictions
  • No misdemeanor convictions involving moral turpitude, false statements, perjury or domestic violence.
  • No DUI convictions
  • No significant number of criminal convictions (including traffic offenses) to establish a pattern of disregard for the law
  • Failure to keep an appointment at any step of the hiring process without prior approval from the Sheriff's Office.