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Isle of Wight County Code of Ordinances

Sec. 2-18. - User data form

Upon installing an alarm system, all users shall submit a county data form to the county emergency communications center with the following information: name and location of the alarmed premises; type of alarmed premises (residential or commercial); normal operating hours, if commercial; individuals designated by the user to respond when notified; manufacturer, model and type of alarm system; name, address and telephone number of the service company; zone of alarm, if applicable; and other applicable information. This requirement shall not be applicable to single-unit heat and smoke detectors four or less in number. (12-19-13.)  You can view the entire code section here: Article V. - False Alarms

Isle of Wight County Code requires that county citizens with alarm systems to complete a User Data Form (please see code below).  You may either fill out this form here on our secure web page or download a fillable pdf file that can be subsequently emailed, faxed, or mailed via U. S. Mail.​

We have a secure web form to submit this information online.  If you'd rather print out a form and mail or fax it, there are links to that form below.

FAQ - Do I need to register my alarm?