Court Services
Lieutenant Donnie Brown
The Court Services Division is responsible for courthouse security; both building security and security within the courtrooms. Deputies assigned to this division also provide Bailiff duties for the courts, guard prisoners that have been transported from the Western Tidewater Regional Jail for court hearings, book prisoners that have outstanding arrest warrants, deliver civil papers, execute civil actions such as levies and repossessions, and transport juvenile detainees to and from their place of detainment.
This court building is a secure facility.
The Sheriff's Office will conduct a security screening of all visitors.
Please allow a few minutes extra time to clear security.
All items must be removed from your pockets and scanned. Portfolios, briefcases, etc. will also be scanned.
You will be required to pass through a metal detector and be subject to secondary screenings.
To avoid delays, please leave all unnecessary items in your vehicle.
The Judges require appropriate dress:
shorts, bare midriff, hats, sunglasses,
flip-flops are not permitted
The Isle of Wight County Courts Building is located at:
Isle of Wight, Virginia. 23397
It is within the Isle of Wight County
Government Complex.
It is the large two-story building.
The Young-Laine Courts Building
This court building opened in 2010 and consolidated justice-related services from several locations into one.
This building was awarded the LEED® Silver Award.
The Courts Building includes:
The following items are prohibited to possess while in the court building by order of the Court.
We do not hold items nor have any storage facilities on site. Please do not enter with prohibited items.
Items needed for evidence in cases will need to be approved by the Court.
Mace/Pepper Spray
MP3/Music Players
Musical Instruments
Note: The Circuit Court Clerk may make exceptions to the cell phone rule for people conducting research in the Records Room.
Contact the Clerk's Office in advance.
This website contains public information and is provided as a service by the Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office to its citizens and the general public. Information presented throughout this website may be freely downloaded, copied or distributed with the exception of the agency logo, shoulder patch, and badge. Although the Sheriff's Office makes every effort to ensure that information available on its website is accurate and current as of the date indicated, the Sheriff's Office expressly does not warrant its accuracy or currency. Any use of such information shall be at the user's own risk. Unauthorized attempts to upload information or alter information on this website are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.