Isle of Wight County Sheriff's Office Logo
Report IT Citizen Property Inventory System Logo

FAQ - Create a Home Inventory


Having a home inventory becomes invaluable if you are ever the victim of theft or fire. A home inventory documents and records all your valuables in detail if they are stolen or destroyed. This will aid the police and insurance companies in assisting you. That last thing you need to do is to scramble to try to remember all this information after a loss.

A home inventory can be as simple as writing down the make/model/serial number of electronic items and firearms and taking photos of these items and jewelry. One downside to this is that this list may become lost or damaged. There are many online methods of creating inventories as well including phone apps.

The Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office recommends using Report It by Leads Online. This is a FREE online system that will help keep track of valuable --- and invaluable --- personal property. Report It is a free, secure online service allowing citizens to record serial numbers and upload images for phones, electronics, and other valuables. Should those items ever be stolen or destroyed, having this information on file will go a long way in accurately and quickly identifying your property.

Citizens can access the site at